Case Study - useAragon React Hooks

React Hooks Collection for Aragon OSx.

Open Source
React Hooks Library


Use-Aragon is a collection of react hooks containing everything you need to integrate Aragon into your application. Build voting pages, DAO dashboards or even your own Aragon client all with caching, request deduplication, and persistence.


Use-Aragon supports all these features out-of-the-box:

  • 20+ hooks for working with AragonOSx DAOs and plugins.
  • Caching, request deduplication, multicall, batching, and persistence
  • Auto-refresh data on wallet, block, and network changes
  • TypeScript ready
  • Test suite running against forked Ethereum network

Technologies we used

  • TypeScript
  • Aragon OSx
  • Aragon SDK

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