Our works - Crafting robust and innovative solutions for digital governance.

We believe in empowering Communities and Revolutionizing Collaboration in the Digital Age

Case studies


Aragon Plugin Development

Lens Voting Plugin

Lens Voting Plugin empowers Lens Follow NFT holders to actively engage in governance actions within AragonOSx-powered DAOs. By leveraging the plugin's functions, users can access vital information, create proposals, exercise their voting power, and contribute to shaping the future of their specific DAO ecosystem.

Open Source

React Hooks Library

useAragon React Hooks

Use-Aragon is a collection of react hooks containing everything you need to integrate Aragon into your application. Build voting pages, DAO dashboards or even your own Aragon client all with caching, request deduplication, and persistence.

Aragon OSx provides the ideal foundation for building customized DAOs. The modular architecture then makes it simple to tailor flexible governance and organizational structures specific to your DAO's needs.

- Okhai Omotuebe, Co-Founder of DAOBox

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